IC Datasheets

You can browse our company’s third-party testing reports and various export certification standards

No. Name Date Size
1 TFT Standard Screen Catalog June 06, 2024 12.11MB
2 Atmel mXT874U Revision 1.0 June 06, 2024 1.17MB
3 SBN0064G May 05, 2024 226.13KB
4 ST7565R May 05, 2024 1.54MB
5 ST7920 May 05, 2024 696.88KB
6 ST7567 May 05, 2024 682.98KB
7 KS0108 May 05, 2024 119.62KB
8 KS0107 May 05, 2024 476.53KB
9 ST7703 February 02, 2024 7.00MB
10 uc1698uc_1.1 January 01, 2024 655.42KB
11 uc1617sa_1.0 January 01, 2024 812.64KB
12 UC1608_ January 01, 2024 981.99KB
13 ST7920c33 January 01, 2024 1.49MB
14 ST7796S_SPEC_V1.0 January 01, 2024 3.40MB
15 ST7789V_SPEC_V1.4 January 01, 2024 3.05MB
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