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No. Name Date Size
1 ST7032v1.1 January 01, 2024 532.62KB
2 SSD1963_1.3 January 01, 2024 984.82KB
3 SSD1848_1.3 January 01, 2024 957.09KB
4 RA8835_DS_v16_Eng January 01, 2024 719.36KB
5 RA8806_DS_v11_GB January 01, 2024 7.99MB
6 RA6963_DS_v10_Eng January 01, 2024 847.32KB
7 ILI9881C-Specification(V092) January 01, 2024 9.39MB
8 ILI9806E_AN_V097_20160107 January 01, 2024 2.87MB
9 ILI9488_Preliminary_DS_V090 January 01, 2024 8.86MB
10 HT1622 January 01, 2024 180.17KB
11 HT1621v140 January 01, 2024 263.05KB
12 AIP31108 January 01, 2024 488.25KB
13 (IST3020) January 01, 2024 1,004.31KB
14 Touch version EzUIH(S) series module programming manual January 01, 2024 4.44MB
15 080A18 November 11, 2023 4.27MB
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